Friday, April 18, 2008


A lot has happend...heres the basic info hahaha (:

awwwww i love Ryan Michael Welcome.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Global Soles-

Well yesterday i went to the church with some friends to help sort out and tie together shoes. (: it was a long day consisting of 4 hours and 139 boxes but in the end we collected 3,076 pairs of shoes! Thats a lot of shoes. hahah anyway it felt good serivng the lord by something as simple as shoes. (: xoxo
-thanks Emma and Sarah

Little Bit of a Delay....

but I'm back from Tennessee. (: Fun plane ride home. I sat next to this freshman girl who was really fun and we pushed the stuartess(??) button about a million times and i spilt water on myself that many times as well. Also enjoyed playing the card game BS or i called it BC hahaha (: but overall really fun trip. xoxo